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Remote Garment Fitting Made Easier! (Part 2)

So last time, we covered how to get yourself ready for a remote fitting. Now, it's time to discuss how you actually run the fitting, at least how we do it here at our design studio.

There's a lot to remember during a fitting, We've captured this process to enlighten you on how industry experts run fittings.

Sometimes you might get side-tracked and won't remember to do everything on these lists. Having this to come back to can be super helpful in making sure you don't miss any major areas.


1. Fit the garment top to bottom. We like to fit strategically, going over the top to bottom of the samples. Start with the straps, then move to the neckline, armhole, and bottom band measurements.

  • Here are a few simple checklists we made to review during fits. You may need to adjust it slightly based on your own garments, but it's also just helpful as a quick reminder, so you don't miss anything important.

2. Make clear notes. Your fit notes need to be clear so you can remember how to make adjustments after you're done with the fitting. We try to call out all adjustments with a similar formula during the fit session so it's easy to maintain.

  • Location on the garment + comment + instruction to correct.

    • Sample of this formula: Front neckline too long, reduce by 1/2"

  • You can also use a POM code and a call back to the spec sheet if that makes it easier for you or the factory.

    • Sample of this formula: POM A too long. See revised spec.

3. Take pictures and screenshots whenever you need them. A photo can go a long way toward helping a factory understand what is going wrong with a sample. Zoom photos might not be the greatest, but try to take pictures for yourself and the factory whenever you're able to. It can also help trigger your memory if you can see it in a photograph.

  • Pro tip: If you have a dress form, we suggest taking photos on it before fitting so you're aware of any potential problem areas as well.

4. Don't linger or dawdle! Work on the comments right away if you can to retain as much from the fitting as possible. If this isn't an option, recording a fitting can be super helpful. Just make sure your fit model is aware and okay with it.

5. Be as clear as you can be! No extra fluff or words here. Be straight to the point and simplify what you include. The goal here is to make it easy to understand and translate into another language.

6. Loom quickies. We love LOOM! It's one of our team's favorite tools. We use Loom for brief fittings when it's hard to find time to meet up with everyone on a zoom call.

  • This is more for pros that really know what they're doing, but it can help you a lot in a pinch.

  • Run through the same checklist if you're doing a loom video.

  • Make sure to show off the front/side/back and pause long enough so the watcher can see what they're looking at.

7. Recap at the end. My favorite tip is to recap each garment as you wrap up fitting each one. Make sure everyone is aligned on the comments and confirm if there were any doubts about whether a change was moving forward or not.

And that's how we've been running our fittings since we've gone fully remote! So what do you think about our process? Let us know if it's helpful content so we can keep giving you more of what you need.

Did you have any questions? Book a one-on-one session with Kristen to get help with all your fitting questions. And if you missed part one read it here to learn how we prep for remote fittings.


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